Full Brand Intensive and Kajabi Website For Corporate CPA turned Entrepreneur

Behind the Numbers: A case study of Andrea Waymire: CPA, Tax Strategist, and CEO of Thorne Advisors

Hey there! I'm excited to share a transformational journey I’ve been on with Andrea Waymire, a CPA and tax strategist who's the driving force behind Thorne Advisors. What started as a simple website refresh project turned into a transformative branding partnership, blending strategy and creativity to redefine Andrea's brand and build an action plan to profitability .

From Website Woes to a Complete Brand Overhaul

One of my favorite parts of working with new clients is hearing what they think they need. Andrea approached me feeling she needed a facelift for her website as she transitioned from a corporate job to full-time entrepreneurship. A website upgrade was just what she needed, but when we got deeper into connecting over her story, the layers revealed themselves. A website was only the surface and led to a deeper, ongoing collaboration.

My expertise in web design and creative execution, combined with our team’s strategic planning, and copy services, to clearly convey a brand message, it became clear that Andrea's vision and mission needed clarity and that is exactly what we were able to do with her! We were able to offer her the next level service she didn’t know she wanted or needed! We worked together with Andrea to understand what makes Thorne Advisors unique and capture its core brand identity.


The outcome? A complete rebranding of Thorne Advisors. We gave Andrea a new logo, a fresh company name, and a compelling mission and vision, turning her website into a stunning representation of her brand. What initially seemed like a website project evolved into a dynamic branding partnership, fusing strategy and creativity.

A Partnership Beyond Expectations

Andrea, my team and I found a synergy where our strengths complemented each other really well. As Andrea shared her expertise in numbers and tax strategy, we handled the rest. The partnership became a two-way street of knowledge exchange and mutual support. It's always fascinating to see how people evolve from what they initially thought they needed. We executed and optimized her user experience, leading to new clients and renewed confidence in Andrea knowing her website reflected her expertise and core values.


A Strategic Shift into Entrepreneurship

When Andrea came to me, her corporate job was in the rearview mirror, and her first days of entrepreneurship were upon her. The confidence to take this leap was fueled by the clarity she gained during our partnership. A brand consult kicked off the process, setting the stage for a strategic planning sprint that paved the way for her bold move.

Andrea shared she was burning the candle at both ends and felt overwhelmed with her website and branding. “Working with Janel and her team helped me put everything together."

Investing in Success

Investing in her business became a priority for Andrea. While time was a limited resource, she recognized the potential of enhancing her brand and knew investing would leverage her time and increase revenue. The result? A more professional and put-together appearance that attracted more clients. Andrea points out, "Even though it feels like an expense, it's actually a huge investment with major ROI, because it attracts more people."

My goal has always been to help clients see the longevity of their business investment, driving more sales and conversions back into their business. It’s so much more than a logo and branding.

A Partnership Forged in Strategy and Creativity

What sets a partnership with JG Creative Studios? It's the marriage of strategy and creativity. Andrea notes:

"Working with Janel’s team really brings out the story, and then the design phase for the website based on that story. It's really special!"

Our collaboration with Andrea didn’t end with a revamped brand. We are now brand partners with Thorne Advisors in an ongoing journey. Andrea will continue working with our team ensuring that her messaging aligns seamlessly with the creative execution.

Now that we have a solid foundation, we're going to optimize it even further. It's a natural next step, focusing on income-generating strategies.

I love that my team and I can provide ongoing support tailored to our clients’ needs. Andrea concludes, "I'm excited because I'll still be working Janel and her team.” Each month, we strategize with Andrea to optimize the most important tasks for fast results so that the time spent on marketing and execution is executed in a way that is efficient and effective.

And so, the branding partnership continues, a testament to the power of strategy and creativity working in tandem. As we step into the new year, I hope you find Andrea's journey inspiring, and I'm thrilled to be part of her success story. Cheers to a year of continued growth and collaboration!

If you’re ready to step into a year of growth with creative and strategic collaboration, strategic partnership and creative direction just might be your next best step

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